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Figuring it out
 Standard Member

Last Visit: More than 3 months
Member Since: August 1, 2023

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Gender:   Woman
Birthdate:   June 12, 1980
(43 years old)
Astrological Compatibility
Lives in:   Woodbridge, Virginia, United States
Body Type:   A little extra padding
Race:   Caucasian
Sexual Orientation:   Straight
Speaks:   English

Role:   Prefer not to say
Level of Experience:   Prefer not to say

Breast Size: Prefer not to say


43 year old Woman in Woodbridge, Virginia, United States Looking For: Men

Profile for Mandasexplores24
I'm just getting started here, so my interests are very currently in submission, some bondage, minimal pain, and I'm open to learning more with discussion. [if254 1]

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