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Mistress Switches Dungeon

The room for Mistress to use Her slave!

She will use me hard and even extreme so cum and watch Her if you dare

Her throne Dominates the far wall, high upon an alter back light in soft pink light with a deep red curtain concealing what lurks behind. A pile of pillows gently rests next to Her throne with Her leash loosely curled up on top of it.

To the right of Her alter sits the innocent looking OB/Gyn exam table, it's leather surface hidden by a soft, light blue towel. Dangling from hooks in the wall behind the exam table hang an enema bag, catheter left to drain dry. On the shelf under the table lies a sounding kit (the largest being 48Fr) a speculum, clover nipple clamps, a pair of vampire gloves and a Wartenberg pinwheel. Ankle and wrist straps finish the ensemble.

In the corner furthest from Her throne stands a "wheel of torture" version of a St. Andrews cross. This cross is designed to have the victim tied into it like a standard St. Andrews cross, but it is mounted on a large disc that is designed to spin Her prey 360 degrees. Next to the cross on a small table rests Her violet wand collection as well as the power box for the e-stim accessories. Mounted on the wall on either side of the cross are several lengths of rope tightly coiled upon themselves, and a few of Mistress' favorite whips and paddles.

Opposite of the exam wall, close to Mistress' throne rests a cage for when Her slave has been bad. No food nor water dish can be seen anywhere. Next to the cage stands a pillory and a rack. Another set of ankle cuffs hang from the end of the rack and on the end closest to the wall are the wrist straps, attached to a chain that clanks under the end of the 10 foot long table and are hooked to a drum that turns as the wheel above it turns, stretching Her prey ever tighter. Hanging on 3 chains from a pulley above the rack is a parachute ball stretcher. Mounted on this wall behind the rack are more of Mistress' whips and paddles, and a few choice riding crops as well. Under the rack hides a row of drawers containing many more of Her favorite toys.

In the corner farthest from Her throne, not far from the rack is a small fire pit and a cauldron for when She is in the mood to dish out some real pain.

NO trolls or wannabe allowed.... Only T/those that are serious about the lifestyle need to join.

Tema(s): Mazmorras
Moderadores Asociados: LadyCs__luvfist

Switches4U 48M

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Hello Mistress
84  0  17/1/2009

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